Trap: The 2022 season is over. The 2023 season will be starting in April and will run through August. The league shoots on Wednesday nights at one of the four clubs in the league, Butler, Evans City, Mars, and RC Mens.
On Monday evenings the trap range is opening at 6 p.m. for anyone wanting to shoot for fun. The club has an automatic wobble machine which is a lot of fun to shoot. Anyone interested in shooting is welcome. Bring your favorite shotgun and shells. Questions: call Chris Scott 724-355-2654, Sam Scott 724-504-4054 or Mel Protzman 724-287-7253.
Please check the pond for people fishing before shooting. You Need to Look! Safety first, please! Trap league shoots take priority over fishing. Scheduled shoots will be posted up on the trap field and on the web page.